Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I just got back from my first night of leading worship for the youth service at Master's Church in Lexington. I didn't know quite what to expect since I've never really been to any service at the church at all. I went to the park with them last week- they've been going to a nearby park all summer and getting the neighborhood kids involved, many of which were there tonight. There were a few technical difficulties with the sound system but it all got straightened out by the third song so it was alright. There were 12 kids there tonight, and a lot were not "church kids". They didn't really care too much about the music or the message that Marc brought, they just wanted to be in a place where they were loved and accepted. Anyway, Marc presented that gospel tonight and gave an opportunity at the end for people to make decisions and three people were saved tonight! Three! God moved in three peoples lives and they are now in a relationship with Him. I'm so excited right now for Megan, Nicky, and Emily. Nicky and Emily were both ready to go talk to more of their friends about Jesus! And when Marc was talking to Megan and she said that she wanted grow in her relationship with God. You could tell that this definitely wasn't a "get out of hell free card" for her, but a real relationship with God and she understood exactly what it meant.
I can't wait to see what God is going to do next.


Anonymous said...

God makes me smile. Actually, I can never make myself stop smiling just thinking about Him!! So many are seeing Christ through you, Derek, and that's soooo exciting!!! Continue to be obedient in your relationship with Him, and I know He'll continue to shower you with His mercy, love, and grace!!!

Josh Martin said...

Praise the Lord!!!!