Update time. As of this past Saturday night (or I guess it was actually really early Sunday morning): I am in a relationship with a wonderful girl named Mary Beth Mann. Yes, I realize that I am dating a "mann" and feel free to laugh about it as much as you want, I get quite a kick out of it actually. Those who frequent the JMB message board- yes, all 6 of you, may know her as Number1Fan. Yup, that's the one. I realize that this relationship has progressed very quickly over the past month or so, but, other than the truth in my salvation, I have never been more sure of anything in my life. I know that this is exactly where God wants me right now. We would both greatly appreciate your prayers for our relationship to stay completely grounded in Him and for us to be extremely sensitive to His voice. Thanks guys.
Congrats! I never thought i would say this, but Derek, I'm glad your dating a mann!
Haha I really like that other comment.
Im really happy for you Derek =)
It's probably one of my better comments to be completely honest!
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