Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wednesday Night

I completely forgot to tell you guys about this week's service! We had something like 33 wednesday night (not counting women and children... that's for you Andrew). No, actually we had about 33 youth, not including adults- the largest youth service I've seen at Master's. I know that numbers don't mean squat if God isn't moving, but numbers do show that these youth are excited about coming to church, so excited that they want their friends to be there with them. And on top of that, God is moving! The girls really made a great showing wednesday night and outnumbed the guys 2:1 and it's really awesome that God brought so many girls to the service- the message was on Deborah and Jael. Marc is doing a series on Judges called "Judge This"... I think that's what it's called... anyway, wednesday we talked about how God used Deborah to bring victory over Jabin's army and Jael to kill Sisera, the general of said army. (Jael drove a tent peg through Sisera's head and into the ground, remember?) Marc did a great job of conveying the message of "God can use you, no matter who you are" and even tied it seemlessly into the gospel at the end. That's one of my favorite things about these services- you will always hear the gospel. No matter what the rest of the message is about, it all boils down to the gospel of Jesus Christ. The simple yet profound truth that "God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
God is really moving through these wednesday night services and I'm ecstatic and very humbled to be a part ot it.


Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how excited I was to be there with you Wednesday. On top of getting to worship with you, I love to see how you interact with the youth. They absolutely love you, Derek Hughes. I'm thrilled to see God's plan for you (and us) at Master's unfold before us!

I love you.

Anonymous said...


It is great to have you there on Wed. nights. You are a great example for all of us not just the youth. It is great how they all look up to you and how they realy seem to be focusing more and more each week on praising God. I also enjoy haveing you planing on Sun. mornings as well. I am amazed at the musical gifts God has given you. Looking forward to a great night this wed.

Brad - the less talented BIG BONED kid that tries to keep up.