Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's been awhile... It's been awhile. I haven't blogged in a long time. Oh well, I'm doing it now. I finally got a job. After 18 years and 10 months of living a carefree, no-worries, no-hassles life, I have a job. Full time at that. I'm a cashier at kroger. Yes, Kroger. I know what you're all thinking: Lets go to Kroger so we can go see Derek and go through his line! Well I'm going to advise against that at the moment. You see, I'm not that good at my job. I am still making a lot of mistakes and unless you've got a lot of time to spare then I would just pick another line... U Scan is always open and they don't let me mess with that stuff yet. But, if you do come through my line then I would suggest not buying any produce unless it is bananas, green or red peppers, or plums. Those are about the only produce codes that I have memorized by now: 4011, 4065, 4088, and 4040. I'm sure that I'll memorize more as time goes on but I don't really want to. I probably won't work this job once college starts. Well, I don't know... I might come back and work Christmas break and summer but then again, maybe I won't. You see, I'm going to tell you how it is right now. I'm going to lay it on the line and I'm going to be completely honest. This job is not for "college money". No no, not at all. This is a job to provide money so that I can buy a new bass. Yes, that's right, a new bass. Hopefully I will have enough by Christmas so that I can buy what I want and still have enough on which to live. I guess we'll see if I keep the job once I buy the bass.
Oh, I've decided to give banjo another shot. It's very frustrating learning a new instrument but I want to give it a lot more effort this time around. I just thought that I'd put it on this blog so that I feel more of an obligation to stick with this decision now. I'll keep you posted with any progress.
Go check out the new JMB website. It'll rock your socks off. Good job Andrew. You deserve a nice pizza pie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Derek Hughes, I love you. I just randomly decided to check out your blog today, and I'm really glad I did. Cuz you just made my night with your Kroger tale. Thank you. Oh, and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!! : )