Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I want to apologize for yesterday's post. I realize now that it was extremely long- and rather boring if you're not me. You see, I find it quite interesting since it directly applies to my life and it's been on my mind for the past few weeks- but no one else cares. I'm not asking anyone else to care- I just know that no one else cares. But then again, if you're reading my blog then apparently you have some sort of fascination with my life, and the fact that you're reading this post shows that although I may post some pretty boring stuff, you keep coming back for more. Well, whatever the reason you're still here- Thank you. I really mean that. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means a lot that you take the time out of your busy lives to check up on me and are somewhat concerned with my well-being. I'll try to keep the posts more universal from now on... ok, so I really won't. Because my life isn't exactly universal. A lot of the things that I write about will apply only to me, but I still hope you find them amusing.

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