Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I'm out. I'm off of Facebook and Myspace. Why? Time. It's as simple as that. I was getting quite terrible at managing my time correctly and these things were getting in the way of homework, studying, pracatice, and my quiet time and prayer life. It became most obvious in the last two and that is what finally pushed me over the edge. I realized that I was slacking off so much in my bible reading and prayer and I knew that I had to deactivate my accounts if I ever wanted it to change. But, have no fear. The blog will remain- actually I'll probably post a lot more since facebook, myspace, and my blog won't be in competition anymore. And, if you really need to get a hold of me, you can always email or call me. Stay classy readers.


Anonymous said...

wow, good reason, but I liked the pictures and semi-keeping up with you in this way. I actually dreamed about your daily quiet time last night, I will have to email you about it.

Hannah said...

My Top 16 has a hole in it now.

Thanks, Derek.
Haha that's a good decision, though. Maybe I should do that..

d said...

You have yet to email me about this dream, mom. I'll try to figure out a way to get some pictures for you as well.
Hannah, I'm sorry for creating a hole in your top 16. I didn't know that it would do that, I just assumed it would fill it in for you.
Oh well, I couldn't be happier with my liberation.