Friday, October 13, 2006

What happened to fall!?! Did I miss something here? Last week I was walking around in shorts and t-shirts and now I'm here bundled up in a sweater, my nice toasty hat (which Mary Beth made for me), and my winter jacket. It's October! I'm not sure what the weather is supposed to do next week but I surely hope that autumn makes some sort of appearance before Santa shows up. Don' t get me wrong, I LOVE winter and I'm thorougly enjoying this weather and it's figidity, I just feel a little cheated- that's all.


Anonymous said...

Autumn made quite an appearance here at UofL today...I wish you could have been here to enjoy it with me.

Cari Chase said...

The weather is here...wish you were beautiful. :-D

Josh Martin said...

Funny thing about the weather..........people complain about it but they never do anything to change it. I hope that makes as much sense to you as it does to me