Monday, October 30, 2006

Travel Time

I'm leaving wednesday morning for San Antonio. Yep, that's right. San Antonio, Tx. The UK Men's Choir is flying out of Louisville at an atrocious hour to go to Texas so that we can perfom a concert at the Trinity University Chapel on Thursday and then at the National Collegiate Choral Organization's (NCCO) first national convention. I've got mixed feelings about this trip, to be quite honest. I'm sure it's going to be fun, and I love performing- our songs are all about "The Life of a Man" and the audience will probably enjoy the show, but I don't want to miss class. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm a dork who doesn't like missing school. We get back really late Friday night so I've got to miss all of my classes on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The make-up work will be the worst part. I just worry that I won't allow myself to have a good time on this trip because I'll be stressed about all of the work I'll have awaiting me on my return. Oh well, it will probably be more fun than I am expecting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should give up this game and drop out! I am not liking you missing this Wednesday Night. You might be Fired when you get back! Just giving you a hard time. Have fun and let me know how it goes. We will all miss you on Wednesday Night!