Sunday, April 16, 2006

I've been thinking and have come to the conclusion that a blog should be observed as you would a story. Because what more is a blog than a running commentary on one's life? Therefore, as to not start my story in medias res, I should start with some sort of opening explaining a little about me.
Hi, my name is Derek Hughes (as you can clearly see at the left side of the page) and I am 18 years old. I am currently enrolled as a senior at Franklin County High School and I cannot wait until graduation. It's not that I haven't enjoyed high school, because I honestly have. Sad as it may sound, school is definitely pretty high on my "fun things I've done list" and I'm sure that I will miss high school dearly. But still, I am ready to move on to a new chapter in my life as I become a freshman at the University of Kentucky. OOOOOOOH C-A-T-S CATS CATS CATS! Actually, I am already enrolled in my classes and have been accepted into the Fine Arts Living Learning Community (a community of all of fine art aficionados) which places me in my first-choice dorm, New North. I'll be majoring in Vocal Music Education in hopes of eventually attending seminary and becoming a music minister at a nice Southern Baptist church.
Yes, that's right- I am a Southern Baptist. I am a member of Buck Run Baptist church here in Frankfort and have been for about 16 years now. Wow- time flies huh? I am involved in the youth praise band, Hott Rob and the Heartbreakers, and also the regular praise band, sans any cool name. I am also a member of the church. Not some fancy building- but the holy body of believers that Chirst has chosen as his bride.
I believe that all humans are truly wicked to the core and that our sin separates us from the one true God. There is nothing that we can do on our own to get close to God and that failure to do so results in us all going to hell when we die- eternal separation from God. Although this truth may sound terrible, God is just and cannot allow any blemish into his perfect kingdom. Thankfully, He allowed a way for our salvation to be possible. He came to earth in the form of man to live a perfect life and to show us the way of holiness. That man was Jesus and He was murdered for our sake. The sin of God's people was placed on Jesus and God poured out all of His wrath, the wrath that was intended for us, and Jesus died. But, 3 days later, He raised Himself up from the dead and whoever believes in this truth with a truly repentant heart will have eternal salvation with Him in heaven. That truth is my reason for living. It is the only real shred of hope that I have and I desire to live my life in such a way that everyone realizes that.
I can't think of much of a segue- so I'll just start talking about music. Music is a huge aspect of my life and I am fortunate to be involved in so many awesome groups. I have been playing piano for the past 12 years and I began playing bass in the 6th grade. I have finally come to terms with the fact that I am a bass player. For years I regarded myself as a pianist who also played bass but just in this past year I've realized that I am, indeed, a bass player. More to come on bass later. Probably a few posts dedicated to it actually. I play in a southern gospel group, The Capital City Boys, and also The Josh Martin Band. If you are on my blog you have probably heard of The Josh Martin Band so you know what we sound like. If you don't know- I would probably not be the best person to ask because I'm not quite sure how to classify us. We have been described in the past as, no joke, "progressive country gospel". I don't have a clue as to what that means! If you have a better explanation I'd love to hear it.
Well, that appears to be a pretty good intro to my new blog. I have obviously left out much of my life and I plan on covering those areas in much greater detail in posts to come. But until then, you stay classy San Diego.


Oberon said...

.....there is no that of lack of truth.

Anonymous said...

For your soul's sake.....You better hope there isn't. How do you know that it isn't true? I'm sure your response is "how do you know there is?" my response is the word of God says so!

Josh Martin said...

There is no way to prove that there is a hell except for death. I don't want to wait until then to find out when there is sufficient evidence in the words of Christ. Bottom line is that if scripture does not hold an authoritative postion in your life, then you can understand no truth at all. All truth is viewed in light of scripture. Our laws as americans are founded upon scripture. If you believe that 9/11 was wrong and you long for world peace, you can only believe that peace exists because of an absolute truth found in scripture.