Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I'm off for the next three days from Kroger. I think they are trying to get rid of me. Perhaps they've discovered my plot to take over the world... one Kroger at a time. It is really a genious plot. Think of the millions of people who shop at Kroger. If I had control of the Krogers I could control all of those people. It's just a shame that Kroger doesn't exist all over the world... or the country for that matter. Oh well. Maybe I should seek employment at McDonalds. Now there is a franchise worth controlling. You all just wait and see- in a matter of a few years you'll all be eating at McDereks and listening to subliminal messages played over the radio inside. I will have the world at my finger tips and there's nothing you can do to stop me... Bwah ha ha ha ha! Bwah ha ha ha ha!
Maybe I should quit posting at night. All of my night posts turn out odd...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your killin me man!