Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Today I spent a large portion of the day in Campbellsville with family. It was great seeing everybody and eating some awesome burgers. The cookout is definitely my favorite part of the holiday. But, I ended up eating so much watermelon (4032) that I thought I was going to puke. I'm sure it would've been just as good on the way back up as it was going down!
So tomorrow I get the bass. I'm not officially the owner tomorrow but Jeff (the current owner) is going to bring it to church so that I can take it and try it out. Although I am almost positive that I am going to buy the bass, there is a slight chance that I may hate it and not want to spend the money... but I doubt it. I'll probably play it a few days and then pay for it on Sunday. That is the plan anyway. I'll let you know how I like it tomorrow. Man, I'm excited!

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